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Leviathan Wellness

Vigor - Stimulant Free Pre-Workout

Vigor - Stimulant Free Pre-Workout

Regular price $42.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $42.99 USD
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**Unflavored does not mean flavorless, it will be sour due to malic acid**
Vigor is designed to increase blood flow and cellular volume. This leads to intense vascularity and pumps in the gym.  Best of all, it does this without causing jitters from stimulants 

L-Citruline and Mallic acid - Increase plasma nitric oxide... causing blood vessels to dilate 

GylcerPump - Increases cellular hydration - leading to massive muscle pumps

Agamite Sulfate  - increases the enzymes responsible for nitric oxide product

Nitrosigine - increases nitric oxide and is commonly used to increase endurance

Vasodrive - Lowers blood pressure and increases nitric oxide. Antagonizes vasoconstriction  enzymes
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